Club Expectations & Code of Conduct

CLUB EXPECTATIONS The Western Magic District Basketball Club is an expanding club, with a focus on player enjoyment and development. The success of the club relies heavily on the attitude and involvement of players, coaches, parents and friends.

BEHAVIOUR and CONDUCT As a district basketball club, Western Magic comes under the guidelines and policies as set by Basketball SA in relation to Coach, player and parental behaviour and conduct. (Copy attached). Where the Code of Conduct is primarily aimed at the junior ranks, it is not unreasonable to expect that the principals are maintained by all involved at all levels. Any departure from the guidelines reflects poorly not only on the player or person involved, but on the team and the club. Western Magic as a club will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment, abusive behaviour or language that is directed to any member of this club or any opposition club, or umpire. Any breach of the Code of conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the club, and in extreme cases, Basketball SA.

TRAINING AND GAMES District level basketball requires a higher level of commitment than school or social basketball. It is expected that players attend all training sessions where possible and arrive at training PRIOR to the commencement time of the training session to maximize the teams allocated court time. Players arriving late can have a disruptive effect on the session where individual coaches have specific training programs developed. Players are also expected to be at nominated games venues 20 minutes prior to the commencement time of the games to enable coaches to speak with the player group prior to the game and for the team to warm-up as a team. Where a player is aware they will not be able to attend either a game or training, or they know in advance they will be late, it is asked that either the player or parent advise the coach prior.

VOLUNTEER INVOLVEMENT Western Magic, like all clubs, relies heavily on volunteer involvement with the teams, and encourages the involvement of parents, friends, husbands/wives and boyfriends/girlfriends. Each team requires a Team manager, who will assist the coach with the management of the team by assisting with the maintaining of team lists, writing up score sheet prior to games and being an additional contact point for the team. It is a club expectation that parents of players assist with scoring duties at games. Team managers are encouraged to use a roster system to `share’ scoring responsibilities. This alleviates the unfair situation of one or two parents having to do it every week. Example score sheets and training are available. The support of teams at games is also strongly encouraged, as this can often lift players and a team in a game. It must be reinforced, however, that barracking must be done in a fair and positive manner in line with the code of conduct. It is requested that parents and friends, particularly in the lower junior divisions, refrain from calling out directions to players, as these directions are likely to be contrary to any direction given by the coach. With juniors, it is likely to confuse the player who is put in an unfair position of trying to decide whose directions to follow.

UNIFORM All players in the District Competition MUST wear the Basketball S.A. approved uniform for the club. This includes during warm-ups prior to a game where the correct uniform must be worn, which includes the Club polo top and windcheater. The wearing of non-club clothing; i.e. Surf brands or Sport company apparel, is a contravention of Basketball S.A. by-laws, where in extreme case can lead to action being taken against either the club, team or both. Players should, at all games, carry their usual playing uniform AND training uniform to be worn where a uniform clash occurs. Again, the alternative uniform requirement is a Basketball S.A. requirement and by-law, which can also result in action against the Team, Club or both if not complied with.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the majority of cases where there is an issue between players or player and coach, they can, and should be resolved in a civil manner between the parties. If for some reason the matter cannot be resolved informally, or a party involved is not happy with the initial outcome, then the matter should be referred to a committee member, preferably in writing. Under no circumstances should any person allow any discussion in relation to a dispute to degenerate into a verbal `slanging match’, in contravention of Clubs Code of Conduct. The Club WILL NOT tolerate any form of verbal abuse and aggressive behaviour by a member to be directed towards another. The Western Magic District Basketball Club strives to promote a friendly, family oriented club that to date has displayed a strong and close relationship between all involved. The Club strives to foster a close-knit association between players, coaches and family members.